Featured Family: Brysten and Twins
March 29, 2023
April 1, 2023
As a mom, physical therapist and certified autism specialist, play is an essential component of childhood. Most people define play as a child interacting with an item alone or with someone else. However, play is not that simple. Play is complex and provides opportunities for a child to practice motor, communication and social skills. Not all play is the same. Children engage in different types of play as they coordinate motor skills and mature. All children need to engage in various types of play for learning and healthy development.

Sensory Play

Allowing a child to interact with different senses such as motor, visual, touch, noise, smell and taste. An item does not have to be a “toy” for a child to engage in play. For example, a child may play with their food as they are exploring the texture, smell and taste. With sensory play a child begins to learn and establish boundaries for where their sensory systems are comfortable or challenged.

Unstructured Play

Open play, no start or end point and no instructions. A child uses their imagination and creates a plan of how they want to engage with a toy, their peers and surroundings. Unstructured play helps develop problem solving skills. For example, building with blocks, a child learns how to place blocks to make a structure more stable.

Structured Play

Organized, has a start and end point. There are instructions or steps to follow such as a board game. Engaging in structured play helps a child to learn skills such as following rules, the concept of winning and taking turns.

Indoor Play

Considered to be a closed or controlled environment. An indoor play setting is often seen as stable for a child. If changes do occur, they are predictable. For a child this type of environment provides a sense of security.

Outdoor Play

Considered to be an open environment. Allows espouse to a variety of unpredictable or changing events. The warmth of the sun with a passing cool breeze on the skin. A noisy truck passing by on the street. These unpredictable events cause the child to assess a situation and produce a response such as reaching for a jacket to keep warm or covering their ears to reduce the noise from the loud truck.

Meet Shannon Davis

Shannon Davis PT, DPT holds both a Doctorate and Masters degree in Physical Therapy. A champion for the physically and cognitively able. Dr. Shannon PTTM is a MOVE International Trainer for adults and a Certified Autism Specialist. For nearly 15 years, she has provided specialized services to children and adults with developmental and intellectual abilities in schools, day programs and home settings. In addition to her clinical passion, Dr. Shannon PT’s entrepreneurial spirit has led to the creation of Inspiration Physical Therapy Inc. and Inspire Create LLC., both of which she serves as CEO. As a natural problem solver, she had developed two patented products, The Little Balance Box and Hativity. Outside of the office, Dr. Shannon PT grounds herself in her yoga practice, actively participates in a variety of client advocacy programs and philanthropic causes, and cherishes her most important role as mother to two daughters.


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