CLTF Ambassador Program

Photo by <a href="">Hannah Busing</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
Former recipients of our financial assistance program

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ambassador program?

The Ambassador Program is a volunteer initiative aimed at engaging passionate individuals who want to contribute to our mission and promote awareness about our work and cause within their communities and networks.


What are the reponsibilities of an ambassador?

Ambassadors play a vital role in spreading the word about The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation through various activities such as organizing events, fundraising efforts, social media campaigns, and advocating for our programs and initiatives. They act as representatives of our organization and help us reach a wider audience.


Who can become an ambassador?

Anyone who is passionate about our cause, enthusiastic about making a positive impact, and willing to dedicate their time and efforts to support our nonprofit can become an Ambassador. There are no specific qualifications or background requirements; we welcome diversity and inclusivity in our Ambassador Program.


Is this a paid position?

This is not a job, it is a volunteer position so it is not compensated.  From time to time, there will be prizes and incentives given to active ambassadors, but there is no guarantee of what, when, or who will receive these.

Is there a time commitment required for Ambassadors?

While we appreciate any time and effort our Ambassadors can contribute, there is no strict time commitment required. Ambassadors can choose their level of involvement based on their availability and interests. Whether you can dedicate a few hours a month or more, every contribution counts.


What are the duties and activities that Ambassadors will engage in?

We are very flexible and want to work with Ambassadors to meet you where you are and what your capacity is.  Some activities include but are not limited to engaging on social media (likes, comments, sharing), sharing your personal stories about receiving help or why you give, being available to be interviewed by media, writing a guest blog, hosting a fundraiser, introducing the organization to possible donors, and more.


Do I need to be in person at events?

Only if you want to!  The majority of the duties we have listed can take place in your home or other location you use.  We will ask our ambassadors if they would be available to serve as volunteers at in-person events, but you are under no obligation to participate.

What support and resources will Ambassadors receive?

Ambassadors will receive training, resources, and support from our team to help them fulfill their roles effectively. This may include access to promotional materials, guidelines for organizing events, social media toolkits, and ongoing communication and guidance from our Ambassador Program coordinators.


Are there any incentives or rewards for Ambassadors?

While the primary motivation for becoming an Ambassador is to support our cause and make a difference, we may offer recognition, certificates, or special perks for outstanding contributions. These incentives may vary based on the Ambassador's level of engagement and impact.


Can Ambassadors collaborate with other Ambassadors or form teams?

Yes, Ambassadors are encouraged to collaborate, form teams, or work together on projects and initiatives. Building a supportive community among Ambassadors fosters creativity, teamwork, and shared success in achieving our goals.


How can I get more information or clarify specific questions about the Ambassador Program?

If you have any additional questions or need more information about our Ambassador Program, please contact us at Michelle is happy to answer your questions or talk through ideas and strategies.


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