Become a Sponsor

A mom sits in the NICU rocking her baby boy born 10 weeks early. Muted monitor lights glow in the dark, and beeps stir the silence. This mom should be happy, relieved she is having this moment with her son – a baby who has spent his first moments of life in the hospital.

But as she watches her son take breaths in his sleep, she worries. Worries about how she’ll pay for another tank of gas to make the 45-minute drive to the hospital tomorrow. She worries her car will break down. And worse, this mom worries there will be no way to pay for repairs so she can come see her tiny son who needs her touch and the sound of her voice to help him grow stronger.

But you can help her and her baby by becoming a sponsor of The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation.

The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation can help this mom with the cost of gas, repairs to her car, and other financial aid she may need. We can remove the stress and worry from her life, allowing this mom to focus her energy and attention on her son during his time in the NICU.

But we can’t do our important work without the help of the community to provide assistance for the pressing financial need of families dealing with the unexpected hardship of a high-risk pregnancy, a baby in the NICU, or suffering through the loss of a child.

We’d like to invite you to sponsor The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation to aid us in continuing our important work of supporting families in crisis.