August 24, 2021

Expecting But Not Pregnant: 2020 Vision (with Hope and Fear)

Instead, we are planning for a child to come home in early July, but also taking it day by day. We have chosen a completely new […]
July 12, 2021

Expecting But Not Pregnant: Playing the What If Game

Yes, I realize now that it seems dramatic that a global pandemic came to the U.S. as a result of my knitting, but as a loss […]
May 14, 2021

Friday Five: Five Things I Learned About Infertility

Infertility took a lot from me. Receiving an unexplained infertility diagnosis at 30 years old was a shock. I had no medical or family history to […]
March 26, 2021

Friday Five: 5 Things to Know About The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation

By Michelle Valiukenas, Co-Founder and Executive Director, The Colette Louise Tisdahl Foundation Every day, I get questions about the work that we do, whether someone qualifies […]